Bachelor's in Computer Engineering
Bachelor's in Computer Science
GPA: 3.95
Artificial Intelligence
Logic and Theory of Computing
Signals and Systems
Embedded Systems
Honors track: Scholars in Engineering and Management
High School [ duPont Manual ], GPA: 4.2
Web Development [Angular, JS/CSS/HTML]
Autodesk EAGLE
Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Spanish: proficient
Japanese: beginner
Student certification earned 1/26/2018
I helped refine the Bluetooth LE specification for the Bluetooth SIG. As well, I wrote code to test part of a proprietary Bluetooth quality assurance program.
I created Angular forms to enhance the default SharePoint user experience and workflows to automate certain administrative tasks.
I also founded and built out a library of reusable code to ease setting up new projects.
First-Year Engineering Program
I help my professors by:
assisting confused students;
supplying students with materials in the design class, EGR 103;
and writing and maintaining a utility script that interfaces with a particularly fragile part of MATLAB. This utility code, by one professor's estimation, has saved hundreds of hours of student frustration and teacher time.
UK Solar Car Team
As a member of the Electrical Team, I help design and repair electrical systems on the solar car. The most high-profile of these is the battery protection and management system, which prevents our lithium-ion batteries from exploding.
Boy Scout Troop 306
Over the years, I learned enough leadership skills to eventually serve as the Senior Patrol Leader of the troop. I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2016.